The practice of Yoga not only works the physical body by keeping it fit while strengthening and elongating the muscles, it also helps the nervous and circulatory systems by purifying and balancing them.
In the past, traditional healers used Yoga postures as a method for healing emotional disorders and illnesses. As a result of regular practice, many benefits will occur. This includes greater endurance, flexibility, deeper breathing, and an overall improvement in mood and emotional well-being.
The traditions of Hatha Yoga provide powerful physical results and are intended to serve as a foundation for the mental and spiritual dimensions of Yoga. Hard work can silence the mind, but has no power to alter or transcend emotional and karmic patterns held in the unconscious mind.
The practice of Asanas promotes flexibility of the muscles and strength in the bones and tissues. It also massages the organs, brings balance to different internal and glandular functions, promotes the flow of vital energy, prana (also known as qi in Chinese, or ki in Japanese),and balances the physical and metaphysical parts of the body (koshas).
Asanas are techniques that promote awareness, concentration, meditation, and relaxation through the physical body. As the practice becomes more regular, there are significant results. Such results include good mental and physical health through stretching, massage and the stimulation of the energy channels of the internal organs.
Scientific studies have shown that the practice of Yoga has curative abilities and can prevent disease by promoting energy and health. That is why more and more professionals have started using Yoga techniques in patients with different mental and physical symptoms, such as psycho-somatic stresses and different diseases.
Our bodies have a tendency to build up and accumulate poisons like uric acid and calcium crystals, just to mention a few. The accumulation of these poisons manifests in diseases and makes our bodies stiff. A regular Yoga practice can cleanse the tissues through muscle stretching and massaging of the internal organs. This brings the waste back into circulation so that the lungs, intestines, kidneys, and skin are able to remove toxins in a natural way.
Hatha Yoga Table of Contents
- Basic Premises
- Benefits
- Bandhas
- Mudras
- Breathing
- Standing Postures
- Balancing Postures
- Backward-Bending Postures
- Twisting Postures
- Basic Sitting Positions
- Abdomino-pelvic Exercises
- Forward-Bending Postures
- Inverted Postures
- Meditation
- Relaxation
- Hatha Yoga Routines