In this Issue:
Do you believe in Reincarnation?
Or do you think that reincarnation is an invention of the ego?
Just what happens after death has remained as one of the greatest mysteries of all time. No one returns from death. Nevertheless, there are children who vividly remember past lives, people who communicate with deceased loved ones, shamans and spiritual people who communicate with ancestors and the great knowledge. Others tell amazing stories of near-death experiences.
In this issue, we are going to share two of the most inspirational stories we’ve heard about what happens after death.
One of them is about a near-death experience, while the other involves Yogi Bhajan’s words about the journey of the soul. I hope these stories inspire you!
Brain Fog Exercise
Standing up apart the feet hip distance. Bring the arms up by your side parallel to the floor. Start moving one arm in small circles, around 3 feet, in one direction, then the other in the opposite direction at the same time. Then while both arms are moving bend forward and back breathing through the nose. 2 minutes. Switch arms and repeat 2 more min.