Yoga for Acid Stomach
Benefits: This exercise adjusts the acid balance in the stomach, but it must be done daily without missing a day.
How to do it: Always do it on an EMPTY STOMACH. Sit in easy pose with the hands on the knees. continue
Yoga for the abdomen
These are some of the many exercises there are to work on the abdominal area. The times are approximate. You can start with half time and built it up with time to full time.
Benefits: There is a say in India that says when the third Chakra, Navel, is out of balance, there is no medicine that can cure that person. continue
Yoga for the eyes
The following exercises work on the eyesight, and also on the brain, intellect, memory, concentration, throat, and nervous strain.
Benefits: It works on the eyesight. It clears the pharynx. It aids concentration. It strengthens the will power. It works on the intellect. Improves memory and mental fatigue. continue
Yoga for sciatic nerve
Benefits: The sciatic nerve hurts when it’s out of place. This exercise will place it back in its place.
How to do it: Squat down with the heels on the floor. The hands go flat on top of the feet. Inhale and bring the hips up, exhale and lower them down. continue
Yoga for migraines
Most migraines are due to the tension. The following exercises work in migraines due to tension and stress. They stimulate the flow of circulation in the area. The blood carries the oxygen to that particular area. Then the oxygen makes the healing happen. continue
Yoga 4 the spine
Hip Rotations.
Benefits: Opens up the hip and releases the tension in the lower back. Great to start.
How to do it: Sit down in easy pose (as shown in the photo). Place the hands on the knees bring the chest forward, then to one side, then push the lower back back, and bring the torso to the other side. Moving the lower back in a circle motion, in one direction first then the other. continue
Yoga for the Neck
Shoulder Shrough
Benefits: It releases the tension of the shoulders.
How to do it:Sit in easy pose and place your hands on the thighs. Inhale stretch the elbows and bring the shoulders as high as possible, then exhale and drop them down. Moderate to fast pace. continue
Yoga for anxiety
Each day more people write us asking what Yoga can offer for people that suffer anxiety and panic attacks.
The anxiety and the panic attacks, or hyperventilation, are not the same thing but in many cases they appear at the same time… continue
Yoga for the insomnia
When you can’t sleep start breathing ONLY for the left nostril.
The left nostril is associated with the parasympathetic part of the brain whose qualities are rest and repair.
At the same time, the right nostril is associated with the sympathetic part of the brain whose qualities are energizing the body… continue
Yoga for the immune system
These exercises are designed to stimulate and balance the whole body. They can be performed individually or as a set.
Running in place. Stand up and run in place, raising up the knees and punching the fists alternatively. Keep the knees as high as you can. continue
Yoga to control weight
Wash, dry, and take ends off zucchinis and celery. Wash and dry parsley and mint. Steam zucchinis and celery for 15 minutes or until soft, then puree in a blender with parsley, mint, and ground black pepper. Serve with nonfat cottage cheese… continue